Upcoming Events

Worship Services

Main Sunday Service

When: Every Sunday

Time: 11.00am to 12.00 noon

Where: Worship area


Our main Sunday worship service includes prayers, songs, readings and teaching from the Bible. Worship is lead by one of our Worship Leaders and the teaching is given by a member of our Ministry team or a visiting speaker. There is a separate teaching group for children who leave the main service after the worship time.  Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) is normally shared on the first Sunday of the month. The adult teaching time is recorded and is available on a CD from the sound desk team, or to download from the "Media & Downloads" section shortly after the service.


Special services for events such as Church Anniversary take place throughout the year.


Refreshments are served afterwards and you are welcome to stay for a drink and a chat



Sunday Evening Service

When: 2nd Sunday of Every Month

Time: 6.30pm to 7.15pm

Where: On Zoom - please email to ask for the joining instructions


We join together to share in a monthly evening worship service on Zoom. We often have a guest preacher who leads the service, or we ask attendees in advance to let us know their favourtie songs and we will share in a songs of praise style service.