Upcoming Events

Who's Who


Dorothy Kendrick

Telephone: 0161 624 7503

Email: dlkendrick@hotmail.co.uk


Dorothy Kendrick is a minister, as well as being an Elder and is the current president of the Independent Methodist Connexion.

She has pastoral care over our children’s ministry and is also actively involved in our work with the elderly and vulnerable adults.



Derek Barron

Telephone: 0161 688 412

Email: dibarron579@msn.com


As well as being an Independent Methodist Minister Derek Barron is also Chaplain at Avonleigh Gardens Methodist Care Home in Oldham.  
He is involved with our work with the elderly and coordinates our training programme.
He is also our Child Protection Officer.



Paul Lambert

Telephone: 07813193026

Email: seahorse421@gmail.com

Paul became an Independent Methodist Minister in  2014. He is part of our leadership team and works as an opthalmic nurse. In his spare time he is learning Greek!




Jean Tavener

Telephone: via the church

Email: office@romanroadimchurch.org.uk


Jean has been an Independent Methodist Minister for a number of years and transferred to Roman Road in 2017 upon the closure of Ashton Independent Methodist Church. She has been an Independent Methodist Minister since 1981.




Elizabeth Barron
Telephone: 0161 688 4129
Email: office@romanroadimchurch.org.uk

Elizabeth is also the Church Secretary and Admin Co-ordinator.

Christine Bell

Alison Tipping

Jenni Wood


Preachers Booking Secretary: Paul Lambert

Email: seahorse421@gmail.com

Telephone: 07813 193 026


Web Master: Jenni Wood

Email: webmaster@romanroadimchurch.org.uk


Finance Secretary: Val Cockroft



Worship Leaders & Musicians

Paul Lambert

Christine Lambert

Helen Boswell

Dorothy Kendrick

David Adams


Email: mediateam@romanroadimchurch.org.uk




Past Ministers/Elders


Clifford Ward (1920 to 2012)


Beryl Kay


Geoff Lomas